Wednesday, February 20, 2013

RoBlog Is Evolving Into The MineBlox - 1%

Sadly, sense the site went down in Jan. We weren't doing so-well, until then I'll help get this blog going and then I'll get Dizzy. But, for now the Co-Owner guy is here to help fix up everything.

As you see, by the new banner, and the title of the blog post The RoBlog is changing into The Mineblox. It's a clever title, and were only doing this because of complaints.

Dizzy's dream was to get a site/blog into the wiki, and have great progress. This blog, made us have a fight. But, luckily we still stayed friends.

We started as The Raging Blox, at the time we didn't know about The Rage Blox. Then, The Rage Blox owner went cold hearted and said our blog will never have no success, even if we change the name.

We changed to The RoBlog, then on Twitter Briguy told us that, The RoBlog would be to confusing to the original Roblox blog. Then, someone said on the forums when I tried to help Dizzy, they said:
Why would you make a blog for a game, that already has a blog?

So, then we quit. But, I waited until now to change it into The Mineblox to see our success.