Saturday, December 29, 2012

Place Review - Grow a Slime

Today I will be doing a review on a unique place called "Grow a Slime" by Fortunelll.

This is a nice place to be at if you want to chill or have some adventure at. This place is a nice place for me if I feel like I want to grow something, like a slimy pet. When you start the game, it has a GUI that pops up and tells you how to do it.

You click on the plant tool, then click on the green plant, then your pet will eat the green stuff that comes out and then it will grow. The more your pet gets fed, the more it will grow. It will also need water and other foods to keep it alive.

I would give this game a 9/10. It's a good game to play when you feel like you want to have a pet, and some adventure in there too. It's a nice entertaining game with nice scripting & buildings into it.

You can play the game here.

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