Saturday, December 29, 2012

Place Review - Paintball

Today I played a game called Paintball, this game is made by Daxter33. I really like the game, you have to kill the opposing team and earn XP, when you get too a certain level you can change your gun, my favourite gun is the starter weapon I like the fact that you can fire it as quick as you want.

There are alot of different game modes, death match,elimination,team swap and controller. My favourite game mode is death match, it is carnage! If you get 8 kills without getting tagged you will get a paint sentry, you can place it wherever you want in the map and it will shoot the opposing team.

The only problem about the game is that there are alot of broken servers. Daxter33 said that he is trying too resolve the problem though.

I will give this game a 8/10, I like the game but the broken servers need to  get fixed.

You can play this game by clicking here.


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